Irrespective of the type of prep used (eg Picoprep or Prekit-C), both contain three sachets which are mixed with water and drunk in the 24 hours prior to your colonoscopy.


PicoPrep® is recommended as it is sold as a box of three sachets. Each sachet consists of white powder that is mixed as a drink with a glass (i.e. 250ml) of water. Those having a morning colonoscopy drink their PicoPrep® at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm the day before their colonoscopy. Those having an afternoon colonoscopy drink their PicoPrep® at 6pm and 8pm (day before) and 6am (day of) their colonoscopy. Those having an evening colonoscopy drink their PicoPrep® at 6pm (day before) and 6am and 8am (day of) their colonoscopy (see Table 1).


Prep kit C

Prep Kit C® may be required to obtain a clean colon for those with chronic constipation or those who have previously not had a clean bowel preparation with conventional preps.

This kit also consists of three sachets: two small Picoprep each mixed with 250ml of water and one much larger sachet (Glycoprep-C), which is mixed with 1 Litre of water and sipped slowly over the hour.


Morning Colonoscopy Afternoon Colonoscopy
Last Solid Food Breakfast (Day Before) Lunch (Day Before)
Commence Clear Fluids (i.e. no solid food) 8am (Day Before) 1pm (Day Before)
1st Sachet 2pm (Day Before) 6pm (Day Before)
2nd Sachet  4pm (Day Before) 8pm (Day Before)
3rd Sachet  6pm (Day Before) 6am (Day of)
Fasting Time (No liquids or solids) 12Midnight (Day Before) 7am (Day of)
Call & SMS to instruct start time After 10am (Day Before) After 10am (Day Before)
Present to Hospital 1 hour prior to start time 1 hour prior to start time
Discharge (Pick-Up) 3-4 hours after start 3-4 hours after start

Table 1. Checklist for patients having colonoscopy.