
It is our aim to provide the best possible customer care we can.  Your feeback is important to us, and lets us know where we need to improve and where we are doing well.

Please note: questions indicated by * are mandatory fields

Your Name

Your Email

Your Mobile

Which secretary served you? *

How would you rate the overall quality of your secretarial support? *

Have you recently had an consultation? *

Who was your treating surgeon? *

How would you rate the overall quality of the consultation? *

How well were your concerns listened to? *

How was your consultation conducted? *

Have you recently had an endoscopy procedure? *

Which hospital did you have this procedure?

How would you rate the preparation of your admission

How would you rate the care of the hodpital staff during your admission?

Were you adequately prepared and advised on the admission process, bowel preparation and fasting required prior to your procedure?

How well were the endoscopy findings discussed with you immediately after your procedure by your treating specialist?

How would you rate the overall experience?

What needs to be improved? (please type below)?

Do you have any further feedback (please type below)?

Would you like to receive a phone call?